Opera Orders Management
A complete and versatile solution to control every step of the production process of doors and windows in aluminum, PVC and wood. Easy to use, it can be connected to every machine.
Opera Sprint Label
Your work at your fingertips
A cut workstation’s assistant integrated with Opera Orders Management which allows to optimise the lists of cuts coming from the office, to manage the excerpts warehouse and to print personalised graphic labels with barcodes for the working center.
Opera cam
The three-dimensional CAD/CAM integrated with Opera Orders Management, to be installed in the working center. It allows to automate the productive process with the use of barcodes.
Opera Accountability Management
The efficient solution to manage and print sales documents, deadlines and the rough drafts. It’s connected with Opera Orders Management to import the informations.
Opera Info Point
It provides updated informations directly to the production operator, during different steps of the construction of doors and windows. Furthermore, it allows to print CE labels to apply on the product once completed.